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5 Ways Outdoor Pools are Kind to Your Wallet
There are going to be advantages and disadvantages to just about anything, including outdoor pools, but one advantage to outdoor pools is that they are kinder to your wallet than indoor pools in several ways.

  1. Cheaper installation– The first and probably the biggest way that outdoor pools are more cost-effective is that they are cheaper to install.  Indoor pools are more expensive because not only do you have to invest in the pool itself, but you also have to build its shelter.
  2. Raise property value– Pools raise the value of your property, so an outdoor pool could be considered an investment in the future.
  3. Unlimited entertainment– Outdoor pools provide a free activity for your kids.  No need to pay for expensive activities to keep them entertained during their summer break; they can hang out in the pool with their friends and neighbors.
  4. Free birthday party venue! Everyone loves a good poolside birthday party.
  5. Less energy use– Outdoor pools can also get more sunlight, which means that they take less power to keep heated.

Outdoor Pools
If you want to install a pool on your property, you really can’t go wrong with either an outdoor or indoor pool, but it’s always good to evaluate all of your options.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact us today at Pool Blue Inc.